منتدى قرية البنات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةتبآدل اعلانيالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


 هل من منقذ

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ĊŀắɪЯÉ māΐiИ
عضوة ذهبية
عضوة ذهبية
ĊŀắɪЯÉ māΐiИ

مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 3003
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 0
ولدت : 15/10/1998
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 26/08/2011
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : algerie- -16
هل من منقذ ضعي رابط الوسام هنالآ يوجد وسآم حآليا :)

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 2:39 am

هاي بنات

كيفكم ..شو اخباركم

بنات ممكن تساعدوني..

لدي بحث حول السياحة في اسبانيا باللغة الانجليزية

واذا ما قدرت تعملوا بحث حول اسبانيا يمكن تعملولي حول " بريطانيا - تركيا - سويسرا"

شكرا لكم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
حنان | NOSHA ♥
مرآقبة آلمنتدى
مرآقبة آلمنتدى
حنان | NOSHA ♥

المزآجآت : هل من منقذ Fbeju
مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 8490
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 26
ولدت : 07/10/1998
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 29/04/2010
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : آلسلطنھہ ! ♥
هِـوآيتيَ : آلككِتَتإبَھہ . . . . .
هل من منقذ SKjFG
MMS : هل من منقذ 0c34414b6dfa01

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 2:45 am

Year after year .. Spain continues to attract tourists from all over the world .. Millions admitted annually, and throughout the year, to enjoy, including in respect of this country of genuine qualifications for all types of tourism, with an estimated number of tourists who visited Spain last year about 79 million tourists, which represents twice the number of its population of 39 million, in addition to those historical monuments and archaeological sites, which are the effects of the Islamic prominent therein, remain the coast of Spain South, and particularly what is known as beach sun La Costa Del Sol, is the key to the tourist industry, Spain, where has this coast long-cities very famous and a tourist, such as Marbella, a kiss of Arab tourists who prefer it in summer There are city Toromulinos, Vinjerla, our city, Malacca, Asitbona, St. Pedro, Mikhas, Rhonda and the other featuring beaches and ports, and official statistics indicate that a large portion of visitors to Spain consists of Visitors Tourism sun and the sea, a pattern-based tourism by hotels and tourist facilities stretching along the beaches overlooking the Mediterranean Sea from the east and south, and the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in the west and northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, which comes to continue to benefit the European countries bordering the Mediterranean, from France, Italy and the end of Portugal and finally Spain.

Country not stay away tourists

Spain is the largest country in the world in terms of tourism, as it is a country that combines past and present Oppe cultures, languages ​​and peoples of the multiple, one of the countries-intensive tourism throughout the year because it combines the warmth, cold, snow, beaches, islands, and highlights here the provinces of the east coast overlooking the Mediterranean, which is Catalonia, which is located in the eastern sector of the North of Spain, and the shores of the task, such as beach Brava and Dorada beach,

And includes the provincial city of Barcelona, ​​the second most important Spanish city after Madrid and port is the most important port on the Mediterranean Sea and includes a lot of old buildings and a number of many museums and markets, highlights the Gothic Quarter Pkatdraúath large municipality of old and there are a large number of museums such as the Picasso Museum and the Museum of Art Catalan, in addition to Barcelona and the attractiveness of tourism, there are a lot of coastal towns along the southern coast, and perhaps the influx of tourists frequently in the cities of Marbella and famous Vanchrila, St. Pedro, right down to Gibraltar, the separation between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.

Why Spanish coast?

What attracts tourists of all these Saahal Spanish, exactly?

Answer here is because there are many positive benefits offered by Spain to visitors from all over the world, which is a tourist British the largest number of them where the percentage of British tourists about 15.5%, and perhaps a combination solar heat moderate, ranging temperatures between thirty and thirty-five degrees Celsius , and the cold sea water, and the low standard of living compared Balseahal other European, such as Italy and France, why so many prefer Alsaahal Spanish on the other, especially under low humidity to low levels, and the simplicity that is dealing with the Spanish people with his guests, contribute significantly to the the attractions of their country, but tourists have a major problem facing them with the Spaniards, is the weakness of the English language for the majority of them, but that even bank employees do not know the basics of the English language, it stands the language barrier between you and the Spaniards, in some cases, which could be considered his it is an obstacle in attracting Spain for more tourists, can not forget that the Spanish people have special rituals!! Although tourism in their country to bring them a fortune, but they insist that handles these tourists according to their preferences are and not vice versa, stores are commercial banks and even pharmacies, are closed daily from the second noon until five pm an application for a nap famous in Spain (siesta) where is the rest of the basics of life they have.

The tourist

Of course, traveling to Marbella and its sister beach, sun, he must be aware that the Marine Tourism specificity different from other types of tourism, however, life continued to Saahal Spanish remains the most important factor in attracting tourists, which is not available to many attractions like, which limited its tourism on the morning only visitor to this Alsaahal will not find time lost a lot to him, as the activity morning starts early on the coast sports diverse marine and enjoy the sunshine, and when it is evening and sets the sunshine and leave in the hope of a bright day last, these tourists will not go astray on their way to spend the evenings beautiful, starting from the cafes on the opposite side of the coast, as well as the presence of shops that remain wide open doors until late every night, and receives tourists all the desires that they want, and vary these stores and luxury according to their location, for example, in Port Banus upscale, which is the site most prestigious in Spain as a whole, because of the larger yachts to anchor the rich world, the largest global brands, such as: Dior, LV, and D & G and other big names in the world of design and fashion.


In spite of many restaurants in the southern coast of Spain and fulfill the wishes of the various tourists, but the most characteristic is the restaurant adjacent to the marine coast and distinguished by the quality of the seafood offered to tourists as soon as he came to practice his sport sea or swimming, where barbecue dishes on the quality of certain wood and the center of which is placed a quantity of sand inside the boat is real.

Where can tourists to choose a meal and then watch the chef is prepared by it to him in front of him in the boat, and there are these restaurants along the coast and diverge with each other a distance less than 200 meters, yet it so often it is difficult for tourists to find their place only after waiting for, a not be long if at all.

The most important tourist islands


With Spain, as well as the south coast, many of the islands close to land the Spanish and frequented by tourists because of their specificity distinct, and most important of these islands, the Balearic Islands is the one who demand the tourist largest in Spain, a magnificent nature, beaches, characterized Pkhovha Navy as it is with a calm atmosphere and is located in the sea medium and located by a small island called Cabrera {} and which distinguishes this island as an island free of buildings and hotels, where tourists spend only by camping.


The Canary Islands which are located in the Atlantic Ocean, is a well-known tourist destination in summer and winter due to the warmth of the atmosphere, and the beauty of its beaches make it one of the most important tourist areas in Spain and these islands are characterized by the natural geological formations and exotic plants.


Does not change weather the southern coast of Spain every year, it is fairly consistent, although the heat waves that pass over Europe, is Spain's share of the cold sea water and low humidity, stay with a characteristic does not change, no matter what the weather, during the summer of this year in particular, enjoy Tens of millions of moderate temperature ranged thirty degrees Celsius during the day and drops to 25 degrees in the evening.

And these temperatures are ideal not find any tourist on the best of them all, it is suitable for marine tourism, tourists do not feel any heat or cold, low-prevent him from exercising his day as he likes and wants

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
حنان | NOSHA ♥
مرآقبة آلمنتدى
مرآقبة آلمنتدى
حنان | NOSHA ♥

المزآجآت : هل من منقذ Fbeju
مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 8490
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 26
ولدت : 07/10/1998
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 29/04/2010
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : آلسلطنھہ ! ♥
هِـوآيتيَ : آلككِتَتإبَھہ . . . . .
هل من منقذ SKjFG
MMS : هل من منقذ 0c34414b6dfa01

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 2:46 am

هذآ آللي قققدرت عليـﮧ !
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ĊŀắɪЯÉ māΐiИ
عضوة ذهبية
عضوة ذهبية
ĊŀắɪЯÉ māΐiИ

مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 3003
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 0
ولدت : 15/10/1998
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 26/08/2011
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : algerie- -16
هل من منقذ ضعي رابط الوسام هنالآ يوجد وسآم حآليا :)

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 2:54 am

ßōŌōŷa كتب:
هذآ آللي قققدرت عليـﮧ !

ميرسي الك

شكرا والله ما بعرف كيف بدي اشكرك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
بسمة قلب تملؤه الاحزان
عضوة برونزية
عضوة برونزية
بسمة قلب تملؤه الاحزان

مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 1710
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 0
ولدت : 29/05/1999
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 01/08/2011
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : المغرب الحبيب
هِـوآيتيَ : طالبة
هل من منقذ ضعي رابط الوسام هنالآ يوجد وسآم حآليا :)

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 4:18 am

ßōŌōŷa كتب:
هذآ آللي قققدرت عليـﮧ !

والله ما قصرتي حياتو يعطيكي العافية
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
حنان | NOSHA ♥
مرآقبة آلمنتدى
مرآقبة آلمنتدى
حنان | NOSHA ♥

المزآجآت : هل من منقذ Fbeju
مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 8490
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 26
ولدت : 07/10/1998
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 29/04/2010
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : آلسلطنھہ ! ♥
هِـوآيتيَ : آلككِتَتإبَھہ . . . . .
هل من منقذ SKjFG
MMS : هل من منقذ 0c34414b6dfa01

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 4:40 am

عففوآ ملوكةة ..

بسمة قلب تملؤه الاحزان آلله يعععآفييج يَآ حبوبةة ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
بسمة قلب تملؤه الاحزان
عضوة برونزية
عضوة برونزية
بسمة قلب تملؤه الاحزان

مشإرڪآتىَ مشإرڪآتىَ : 1710
التقآآيممً التقآآيممً : 0
ولدت : 29/05/1999
سڪنتــ المنتدـﮧ : 01/08/2011
عمري عمري : 25
بنوتـﮧ من : المغرب الحبيب
هِـوآيتيَ : طالبة
هل من منقذ ضعي رابط الوسام هنالآ يوجد وسآم حآليا :)

هل من منقذ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: هل من منقذ   هل من منقذ Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 25, 2011 4:57 am

ßōŌōŷa كتب:
عففوآ ملوكةة ..

بسمة قلب تملؤه الاحزان آلله يعععآفييج يَآ حبوبةة ..

انسي رردي عليج و ما تكلميني مرة تانية ابدا اوك و انتي عارفة السبب و ما في داعي اقوله لكل العالم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

هل من منقذ

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى قرية البنات :: آقسسآآمم ععآمةهه :: مَتحف إأل بنآت-